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With our extensive experience and proven success in 11+ tutoring, the 11 Plus Study Centre is uniquely equipped to offer this consultancy service. We are committed to extending our expertise to parents, ensuring they have the tools, knowledge and support necessary to confidently prepare their children for success in the 11+ exams.
Initial Consultation
Join us for a 90-minute consultation where you'll gain essential insights into the 11 Plus exams and discover effective preparation strategies.
Customised Study Plan
The study plan will serve as a guiding framework to assist you in your preparations for the 11 exam.
11+ Resources guidance, exam format, insights, hints & tips
We are here to navigate the vast array of resources at your disposal and assist you in choosing the best learning materials for your regional 11 test. Additionally, we will clarify the structure of the 11 test, outline its marking criteria, and share essential strategies and insights to enhance your preparation.
Regular Progress Reviews
Routine progress evaluations offer parents a valuable chance to confirm that their children are meeting academic milestones.
Privacy Policy
All Tutors are Enhanced DBS Checked.
GL and GL Assessment are trademarks of GL Assessment. CEM, CEM 11+ and CEM 11 Plus are trademarks of the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (Cambridge University Press). All tradenames and trademarks are acknowledged. We are not associated with GL Assessment or the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring.